Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A New Year

So my new years resolution was to start writing in this again in some meager attempt to document what exactly I do with life. I've come to realize it's nothing extravagant, but for those interested maybe they'll see something in themselves here.

First thing's first, there's a lot to say. I have a big ole list of things I've been meaning to get down in text and out of my mind, but its pretty late so I'll jump straight to today and hopefully work backwards.

Today was a rough day. Not going into too much detail, I got shut down by my friends, my band, my school, and the law. Needless to say I was pretty bummed, and as the night wore on I just thought to myself of the various ways I could sit and wallow in my misfortune. But, after letting myself get down, I realized how getting down does nothing to affect the past, the present, or the future. What's done is done, and all you can do is make use of the time you have now, and make sure to grow in the future from it.

Then I was thinking, there are a lot of people who had bad days today, and I'm sure a lot worse than mine. And although that sucks, at least I know I'm not going through this alone. That this struggle and suffering of everyday life is something everybody is going through, and with that comes something positive: a sense of community or collectivness or whatever. Sure I could let myself be all pissed, but by keeping my head up with a smile and looking at the tiny tiny good things that happened today (I got some free coffee and the best parking space ever), I'll be taking this community (at the very least myself) in the right step for something better, something hopeful.

Tomorrow I have some friends to clear things up with, and wayyy too much homework to finish already. I start teaching my class on Wed, something i'm really pumped on. Hopefully kids don't think I'm a total turd, and maybe possibly I'll teach something worth while to them.

Listening to: La Dispute, Here Hear III.