Tuesday, March 31, 2009

If you happen to care (or be somewhat bored)

So after all the awesome stuff that happened this weekend, I decided I would start writing in this thing more often.
Also, since I'm going to be in India in about a month, I figured I should probably get in the habit of writing about my day/thoughts to keep track of everything.

So yeah, this weekend ruled.
Last week I spoke at the Board of Regents for Stop the Hike and subsequently ended up missing class.  This was fine because I tend to not even pay attention in this class (he lectures on and on about nothing while I talk to Drew on AIM), but unfortunately this one day he happened to assign this HUGE paper (the paper was economic development/definitions of underdeveloped countries/UN Millennium goals/etc.), and only gave us a week to do it.  So I get to class on Tuesday and found out I had 2 days to get it done.  Because of work, long story short, I end up at 24 hour Starbucks with Nate and Jessica pulling an all nighter.

I drank lottts of coffee.
Got really pissed at a friend for talking shit.
Then I got really mad at Jess because she was being rude as hell and I was in a bad mood.

Around 7 in the morning the sun was rising and it was pretty awesome.  It's really weird watching the beginning of the day and seeing everybody go off to work and start their day.  I feel like a lot could be said about our society based on that hour span of time where people wake up/go to work.  

I was close to being real bummed about everything (I was afraid we'd have to cancel our show) until the manger lady (who had been real annoying up until then) came and gave us free breakfast sandwiches.  It made my morning and allowed me to take the moment for what it was.  Tired, cold, worn out from college, stuck in michigan weather, but finding comfort in a sunrise, act of kindness, good food, and good company.

Later that afternoon I finally finished my paper and we (me, tim, rach, leah, and jesse) got on the road.  I finally fell asleep for a bit.  We ate subway at a gas station and it was nice to finally enjoy everybody's company.  I never really see them except for tbt stuff, which sucks because they're some of the best people in my life.  

We listened to bear vs shark.
Tim refused to pay any tolls.
Made lots of 'that's what she said' jokes.
Got totally lost (everybody blamed me) and scrambled to find the venue after already being late.

The show went really well and everybody really liked us.  We got an encore (which was pretty comical) and for some CRAZY reason decided to play oxidation of joan of arc.  We hadn't played that song in over a year, and somehow managed to play it all the way through (I made up a fair amount of lyrics).  James took pictures that turned out really well and included one with me looking like Trav (with the bass over my head).  I had a really good conversation with their youth pastor about the role of tradition in religion, as well as motivation for people/churches.  We received good feedback, and it's really rewarding when kids say that they admire us doing our own thing and playing music for our own reasons  and being upfront/proud about it. 

 It's really weird how people keep so many things bottled up.  People can be so afraid/embarrassed by certain things, things that many people may share/experience.  It only takes one person to express that its ok to be open on these issues.  It can be hard being that person, but giving hope to other people is one of the most rewarding experiences ever.

Afterward we went back to Scott's dorm and watched Donnie Darko.  I was reallly tired and gross, but after not sleeping for so long (and eating dinner) I was ready to crash.  I stayed up with Tim talking for a bit, and it was really great catching up.  A lot of the time we're on different pages, but we still always connect and have good conversations.  He's a solid dude, one of my brothers, and definitely makes me strive to be a better person.

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